ment 7"The people want peace. Yet the revolutionary government of free Russia has resumed the war of conquest on thebasis of those very same secret treaties which ex-Tsar Nicholas II concluded with the British and French capitalistsso that the Russian capitalists might plunder other nations.... There is no bread. Famine is again drawing near.Everybody sees that the capitalists and the rich are unscrupulously cheating the treasury on war deliveries, that theyare raking in fabulous profits through high prices, while nothing whatsoever has been done to establish effectivecontrol by the workers over the production and distribution of goods. The capitalists are becoming more brazenevery day; they are throwing workers out into the street, and this at a time when the people are suffering fromshortages. A vast majority of the peasants... have loudly and clearly declared that landed proprietorship is aninjustice and robbery. Meanwhile, a government which calls itself revolutionary and democratic has beendeceiving them by promises and delays.... The government has become so brazen in its defense of the landownersthat it is beginning to bring peasants to trial for "unauthorized" seizures of land. The lesson of the Russian revolutionis that there can be no escape for the working people from the iron grip of war, famine, and enslavement by thelandowners and capitalists unless... they renounce all compromises with the bourgeoisie..... Only therevolutionary workers, if supported by the peasant poor, are capable of smashing the resistance of the capitalists andleading the people in gaining land with out compensation, complete liberty, victory over famine and the war, and ajust and lasting peace."Source: Lessons of the Revolution by V.I. Lenin, July 1917 What was the impact and why?